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How to Prevent Household Mould

If you notice any signs of household mould, there are a few simple steps you can take to prevent it. First, make sure to open your windows and let fresh air into your home. Next, you should wash in hygiene laundry rinse to remove any infected fabrics. If mould is persistent in your home, you may want to try an Ammonia solution on bathroom surfaces. Be sure to ventilate the area well after application. Alternatively, you can make your own natural cleaning solution by mixing clove & tea tree oil, bicarb and vinegar. For furniture, a hydrogen peroxide solution is another option, but it may fade wood surfaces. You should also consult a mould remediation professional if the mould is particularly stubborn.

While the majority of household moulds are harmless, some types can lead to health problems, especially in people with certain conditions. People with asthma or allergies may experience eye or nose irritation, cough, congestion, and worsened conditions. Those with weakened immune systems are also at greater risk of fungal infections. You should take action immediately if you suspect you have a mould problem in your home. The longer you wait, the worse the damage will be, and it will cost you more money to fix the problem.

While mold is most common in the natural environment, it can also be found indoors. It thrives in areas with high humidity, such as basements, and on damp wood. However, it can also grow on modern materials such as wood and other synthetic materials. It reproduces by releasing tiny spores into the air. As these spores land, they grow in size and split into new mould cells. When this happens, they are capable of reproducing in a household environment.

All households have some level of mould. Some types are more prevalent than others, but there are a few that are especially harmful to your health. Alternaria grows outdoors, and can be found under sinks, showers, and leaking pipes. It can cause allergic reactions, and can even promote asthma attacks. Another variety is Aureobasidium, which commonly grows on wooden surfaces, skirting boards, and caulk between tiles.

There are several other ways to remove household mould. One method involves using bleach. While this method works, it is a strong chemical, so make sure you do so in a well-ventilated area with gloves, a face mask, and rubber gloves. The solution can be mixed with dish soap, which can help cut dirt and oil. If it does not kill the mould, you can use a mixture of bleach and water. Alternatively, you can purchase a commercially available mould remover.

While there is no scientific evidence linking household mold to any health problems, dampness and allergies are common in most homes. Exposure to excessive amounts of moisture in a home can trigger symptoms such as coughing, nasal congestion, and eye irritation. Getting an accurate diagnosis can take time. There are other causes of these symptoms, and the best way to determine if you’re experiencing them is by visiting a specialist. You should also consult your doctor if you suspect that you have a mold problem.
